League Awards

St. James Canucks - MMJHL Award History

Jack McKenzie TrophyPlayoff Champions2022-2023
Art Moug TrophyRegular Season Champions2022-2023
Myron Prymak Memorial TrophyRory Neill2022-2023
Chris Flintoft Memorial Trophy (Playoffs M.V.P.)Noah Gilbert2022-2023
Steve Claus Memorial TrophyTyrone Willan2022-2023
George Cadzow TrophyRory Neill2022-2023
Ron Smith Memorial TrophyNoah Gilbert2022-2023
Jack McKenzie TrophyPlayoff Champions2021-2022
Art Moug TrophyRegular Season Champions2021-2022
Chris Flintoft Memorial TrophyKurtis Luke2021-2022
Anthony McLaughlin Memorial ScholarshipBrady Whitely2021-2022
George Cadzow TrophyRory Neill2021-2022
Nick Hill Memorial Coach of the Year AwardBlair Mooney2015-2016
Myron Prymak Memorial Trophy
MVP League Play
Cam Fehr2012-2013
Steve Claus Memorial Trophy
Highest Scorer
Cam Fehr2012-2013
Anthony McLaughlin Memorial ScholarshipMorgan Winchar2012-2013
Anthony McLaughlin Memorial ScholarshipJordan Curtis2010-2011
Dave Anderson Memorial Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Scott Tallon2007-2008
Dave Anderson Memorial Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Evan Minaker2006-2007
Dave Anderson Memorial Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Darcy Favell2005-2006
Norm Slobodzian Memorial ScholarshipShawn Williams2002-2003
Myron Prymak Memorial Trophy
MVP League Play
Justin Steeves2001-2002
Dave Anderson Memorial Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Ryan Milani2001-2002
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Justin Steeves2001-2002
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Dave Wood2000-2001
Anthony McLaughlin Memorial ScholarshipBryan Flynn2000-2001
Steve Claus Memorial Trophy
Highest Scorer
Justin Steeves1999-2000
Jack McKenzie TrophyPlayoff Champions1997-1998
Chris Flintoft Memorial Trophy
MVP Playoffs
Kris Fillion1997-1998
Steve Claus Memorial Trophy
Highest Scorer
Jamie Wilkie1996-1997
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Jamie Wilkie1996-1997
Norm Slobodzian Memorial ScholarshipJay Prichodko1996-1997
Dave Anderson Memorial Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Tom Percy1993-1994
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Tim Miller1992-1993
Ron Smith Memorial Trophy
Outstanding Goaltender
Tom Caramanos1986-1987
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Dave Bull1985-1986
Art Moug Memorial Trophy1st Place Regular Season1982-1983
Ron Smith Memorial Trophy
Outstanding Goaltender
John Balan1982-1983
Ken Prodonick Memorial Trophy
Ability & Sportsmanship
Andy Meers1978-1979