Saturday February 8th, 2025 @ Ab McDonald Arena
Game 1 – 3:30 pm
Game 2 – 4:45 pm

Gentlemen, to celebrate our 47th year of operation in the Manitoba Major Junior Hockey League, we are excited to offer all Canucks alumni this opportunity.
The game(s) will be held at the Ab McDonald Arena on Sunday, February 8th @ 3:30 and 4:45. We have two ice times scheduled and if the response is positive then we will use both. We will notify you what ice time you are playing on once all registration is complete (February 4th).
We will be offering you a chance to play with some old buddies who you may have not seen in a long time, so please spread the good word to all your alumni contacts for this great afternoon and evening of camaraderie and reminiscing.
The $50 registration fee will include the game and dressing room “refreshments”. We have a 7:30 reservation at our sponsor, 4th Line Pub and Grill to continue with bantering and telling each other legendary ‘Nucker stories. They have a great menu and some Canuck Specials to offer that evening.
Please see the attached link for registration and payment, Only players who have prepaid will be eligible for the game. Please fill out the form in its entirety to update our alumni database.
We are excited to see you and share Nucker’s stories!
The deadline to register is February 1st.
Justin Steeves, Gavin McLachlan, Jerry Jones, and Mike Mooney
St. James Jr. Canuck Executive